Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Last Ultrasound

Today was my 36 week ultrasound. Apparently most insurance companies don't cover this anymore (what the...) so it was optional. I decided to call my insurance company just to check it out and sure enough, they aren't as lame as I thought!

Anthony came with Sydney and I today and we were able to confirm that yes indeed, baby O is in fact still a boy. Phew! Turning the boy room back to a girl room would have been a pain. He is also approximately 6 lbs and 6 ozs. I thought babies gained a pound a week until they were born so I was thinking I was going to deliver a 9 pounder, but the ultrasound tech assured me it's like 1/2 a pound and he'll most likely be in the 7's somewhere. And the little man has hair! I had her check for us since Sydney has always been blessed in the hair department. She takes after me, believe it or not I had way more hair than her at her age. My guess is he'll take after Anthony and have blonde hair, just not as much as Syd. We'll see! He might put us all to shame in the hair department and have tons of thick dark hair.
He's been slowing down in the movement area the past two days. He's hanging in there and I can't believe I'll be holding this little man in my arms in three more weeks from today!

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