Monday, November 17, 2008

36 weeks

This is my 36th week of my pregnancy-holy cow how 36 weeks seems so much further along than 35. I can't believe I only have three weeks to go.

I started packing my hospital bag tonight. Not that I think I am going into labor early, I mean the c-section is already scheduled a week before my due date and well-Sydney was two days late. BUT...this is just way too planned out, just the way I like it. I can totally see getting thrown for a loop because this will be way too easy. We'll see. I like to be ready anyway. Now if only I can remember all the things I need to bring with me... I know it's only been three years but I feel like I am new to this.

The little man is about 6 pounds according to my e-mail updates. I can't believe I have 6 pounds of baby in my belly! He's actually been moving around more now than ever. I keep reading that the movements may slow down a bit since he is running out of room, but really not seeing that yet. He's been moving around most the day. And he constantly has hiccups. Poor kid has been cursed with the hiccups just like his big sis. Sydney gets the hiccups constantly.


Kellye said...

SHUT.UP!!!'re gonna have another baby! Holy cow!!! Awesome!

FlyingCats said...

Oooohhh! Getting close!!!! Annika never slowed down at all, until right up to the epidural. But she also had an extra big pool to swim in - they said I had extra amnio fluid, she she was pretty happy. I cannot WAIT for this little baby to show up! I'll be in town on the 15th, so we'll wait to set a date until we know how you're feeling. I'm excited to see you! Let's see if Jess can come too!