Tuesday, September 23, 2008

28 weeks

Tomorrow I hit the 28 week mark, and the first week of my third trimester, yippee!

I had my doctor appointment and everything went well. I had my glucose test first, man that stuff is gross. I can't believe somebody hasn't invented a pill or something to replace that sweet syrup-y drink. Ick. The ultrasound was next and baby boy actually cooperated! It took a little bit, apparently his favorite position is face and belly down, spine up. I can't even tell you how many pictures we have of little man's spine. We finally got the shots of the heart we needed and all is well there. He weighs 2 lbs and 8 ozs and is in the 40th percentile for size. His head measured a bit big but not freakishly big according to the u/s tech. It must be all those brains. (It measured two weeks bigger than he did.)

Saw the doctor for a few minutes and we still haven't pinpointed my u/s date of Dec 10th, but he did put it on his schedule. It's just not set in stone yet, argh. Work with me people, I am a planner and need to know this stuff now!! Everything else went well! Only 11 more weeks or so, woo hoo!

1 comment:

Kellye said...

Awesome! I'm so glad you guys finally got those pics of the heart you needed and that baby boy looks great! Time really is drawing to a close! Can't wait to see the little boobah!