Thursday, May 29, 2008


I started spotting yesterday so I called my doctor's office immediately. I actually had a blood sac outside my uterus during my pregnancy with Sydney so this was pretty common, but it began at 7 weeks. I am a nervous nelly anyway so I called and I am glad I did. They got me in for an ultrasound the following morning and everything was fine. We saw the baby and the little heartbeat. It was very reassuring to see that, and I really appreciate the fact they didn't just send me away, telling me everything was probably fine. I really loved seeing the baby again...maybe I should rent an ultrasound machine like Tom Cruise and Katie

Everything else is going well! I am exhausted and take a nap nearly every day while Syd is napping. Part of the problem is I am up 4 times a night going to the bathroom. I never get GOOD sleep waking up that often. Thank goodness for naps-and not working. I don't think an afternoon siesta would fly at most offices.

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