Monday, November 3, 2008

Five and a half weeks...

Wow, I can't believe I have just 5 1/2 weeks left until the little man arrives! I am definitely feeling more prepared. Mam-o came up from California this weekend and worked on the baby room with me. Okay, actually with Anthony. I painted half the big stripe around the room, Beverly and Anthony did the rest. Nice work guys!
The room went from ballet and princesses to car and truck mania all in one day. It looks great! I'll take a picture when all the bedding arrives. We also organized all the little man's clothes by size so we actually have clothes in the drawers now. I have literally bought about five things, the rest have been some really great hand me downs from friends. Thanks girls!! All we need to do is put Sydney's old swing together, along with buy a new crib mattress since we moved the other one into Sydney's toddler bed. Okay, and a few more things too. I just let out a sigh of relief though, I was getting nervous that baby boy would be living in a pink room for a while. And that he'd have no clothes to wear.
I am officially 34 weeks prego this week too. Woo hoo! I can't believe December 10th is coming up so fast. I am so ready. Well, I think so anyway. Two kids just seems so much harder than one. I can take Sydney anywhere, managing a baby and a toddler-a whole new world.


Kellye said...

You are going to do great Stacy!!! Trust me...I was petrified of how I would handle two, and really, it's been cake! Now, two teenagers...I'm sure that's another story but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it with martini in hand! =) I can't believe it's down to this little time either! How exciting! I can't wait to see pics of sweet baby boy!

Wehunthouse said...

I am sure you will do great! Although I saw a quote from Gavin Rosdale that said something to the effect of having one is one, but having two is having 10. He was talking about the addition of little Zuma Nesta. :)