I have to admit I have been a little on the cranky side lately. I am in the uncomfortable stage and people are really annoying me. Whether it's the slow drivers (seriously, 5-10 miles UNDER the speed limit people?) or the people at the checkout in front of me who take ten minutes...I have no patience. I am actually going to buy a shirt that says, "Dude, I'm nine months prego and cranky. I take no responsibility for my actions." I will admit I am always a bit impatient but jeesh...being pregnant during the holiday season is probably not the best time for me. I even shooshed a woman at the doctor's office who was smacking and crackling her gum. (And then I quickly looked away once I realized what I had done.) That is my biggest pet peave ever and again-no patience. Plus-nobody wants to hear you chomp on your gum lady.
Okay, enough of crazy cranky me.
Now for something that makes me happy! (Besides chocolate covered gummi bears. Mmm.)
Angie and Leiann threw me a really awesome baby shower last week. I have to admit I am not a big shower fan so when Leiann approached me about having a shower I was a bit hesitant. After some thought we decided to go the non-traditional route. Thus "Baby Shower Happy Hour" was born. We had a group of 10 of my closest friends, who were all greeted with a hug and pomegranate martini upon entering Leiann's home. Mmm. Even the virgin ones were delish. There were no games, because does anyone really like the games anyway? And no children allowed. I think everyone enjoyed that. Some of my friends don't have kids and my friends that do have kids seemed to enjoy sipping martinis, not worrying about what their kid was getting into. And not listening to other kids screaming and crying. It was perfect. I loved catching up with my girlfriends and just having girl time for a few hours. I received some really adorable presents and it's now safe to say that the little man is set for clothes.
I have 10 days left until the scheduled arrival. There have been no signs of early entry as of this point. No contractions, nothing. His room is ready, clothes are organized, Sydney's promised to change many dirty diapers-we are set. I do have a bit more organizing to do before he arrives -I really want our bedroom to be spotless so I can have my nice quiet area. This involves folding some laundry that's been stacking up for quite a while. We'll get there, that's on the schedule for the next couple of days.
Oh yes, and something else that makes me happy. Apparently I whined just enough to my doctor about how bad my heartburn has been. Seriously, even with popping the Zantac, I have had the worst heartburn. He prescribed me some amazing medicine that has completely made my heartburn go away-amazing. I feel like a whole new person and I haven't been sick in the morning for days. Why didn't I get my whine on months ago? Silly me.
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Okay um...wow! 10 days. That's ridiculous! I'm so excited! I'm sorry to hear about the crankiness although it is about time that people who are annoying being told anyway and really, you have the best excuse in the world so tell it to um Sistah!!!! Can't wait to see little man! So exciting!
As one who has been on the recieving end of being silenced while popping and snapping my gum- I am dying to know if she stopped? and did she give you a dirty look or did she look ashamed? (I would have been ashamed) I promise we don't do it to annoy, we just can't help ourselves.
I hope you are hanging in there, just be thankful you aren't at my house we have almost a half a foot of snow with more comming. That might make it hard to get to the hospital.
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