I have to admit I have been a little on the cranky side lately. I am in the uncomfortable stage and people are really annoying me. Whether it's the slow drivers (seriously, 5-10 miles UNDER the speed limit people?) or the people at the checkout in front of me who take ten minutes...I have no patience. I am actually going to buy a shirt that says, "Dude, I'm nine months prego and cranky. I take no responsibility for my actions." I will admit I am always a bit impatient but jeesh...being pregnant during the holiday season is probably not the best time for me. I even shooshed a woman at the doctor's office who was smacking and crackling her gum. (And then I quickly looked away once I realized what I had done.) That is my biggest pet peave ever and again-no patience. Plus-nobody wants to hear you chomp on your gum lady.
Okay, enough of crazy cranky me.
Now for something that makes me happy! (Besides chocolate covered gummi bears. Mmm.)
Angie and Leiann threw me a really awesome baby shower last week. I have to admit I am not a big shower fan so when Leiann approached me about having a shower I was a bit hesitant. After some thought we decided to go the non-traditional route. Thus "Baby Shower Happy Hour" was born. We had a group of 10 of my closest friends, who were all greeted with a hug and pomegranate martini upon entering Leiann's home. Mmm. Even the virgin ones were delish. There were no games, because does anyone really like the games anyway? And no children allowed. I think everyone enjoyed that. Some of my friends don't have kids and my friends that do have kids seemed to enjoy sipping martinis, not worrying about what their kid was getting into. And not listening to other kids screaming and crying. It was perfect. I loved catching up with my girlfriends and just having girl time for a few hours. I received some really adorable presents and it's now safe to say that the little man is set for clothes.
I have 10 days left until the scheduled arrival. There have been no signs of early entry as of this point. No contractions, nothing. His room is ready, clothes are organized, Sydney's promised to change many dirty diapers-we are set. I do have a bit more organizing to do before he arrives -I really want our bedroom to be spotless so I can have my nice quiet area. This involves folding some laundry that's been stacking up for quite a while. We'll get there, that's on the schedule for the next couple of days.
Oh yes, and something else that makes me happy. Apparently I whined just enough to my doctor about how bad my heartburn has been. Seriously, even with popping the Zantac, I have had the worst heartburn. He prescribed me some amazing medicine that has completely made my heartburn go away-amazing. I feel like a whole new person and I haven't been sick in the morning for days. Why didn't I get my whine on months ago? Silly me.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Last Ultrasound
Today was my 36 week ultrasound. Apparently most insurance companies don't cover this anymore (what the...) so it was optional. I decided to call my insurance company just to check it out and sure enough, they aren't as lame as I thought!
Anthony came with Sydney and I today and we were able to confirm that yes indeed, baby O is in fact still a boy. Phew! Turning the boy room back to a girl room would have been a pain. He is also approximately 6 lbs and 6 ozs. I thought babies gained a pound a week until they were born so I was thinking I was going to deliver a 9 pounder, but the ultrasound tech assured me it's like 1/2 a pound and he'll most likely be in the 7's somewhere. And the little man has hair! I had her check for us since Sydney has always been blessed in the hair department. She takes after me, believe it or not I had way more hair than her at her age. My guess is he'll take after Anthony and have blonde hair, just not as much as Syd. We'll see! He might put us all to shame in the hair department and have tons of thick dark hair.
He's been slowing down in the movement area the past two days. He's hanging in there and I can't believe I'll be holding this little man in my arms in three more weeks from today!
Anthony came with Sydney and I today and we were able to confirm that yes indeed, baby O is in fact still a boy. Phew! Turning the boy room back to a girl room would have been a pain. He is also approximately 6 lbs and 6 ozs. I thought babies gained a pound a week until they were born so I was thinking I was going to deliver a 9 pounder, but the ultrasound tech assured me it's like 1/2 a pound and he'll most likely be in the 7's somewhere. And the little man has hair! I had her check for us since Sydney has always been blessed in the hair department. She takes after me, believe it or not I had way more hair than her at her age. My guess is he'll take after Anthony and have blonde hair, just not as much as Syd. We'll see! He might put us all to shame in the hair department and have tons of thick dark hair.
He's been slowing down in the movement area the past two days. He's hanging in there and I can't believe I'll be holding this little man in my arms in three more weeks from today!
Monday, November 17, 2008
36 weeks
This is my 36th week of my pregnancy-holy cow how 36 weeks seems so much further along than 35. I can't believe I only have three weeks to go.
I started packing my hospital bag tonight. Not that I think I am going into labor early, I mean the c-section is already scheduled a week before my due date and well-Sydney was two days late. BUT...this is just way too planned out, just the way I like it. I can totally see getting thrown for a loop because this will be way too easy. We'll see. I like to be ready anyway. Now if only I can remember all the things I need to bring with me... I know it's only been three years but I feel like I am new to this.
The little man is about 6 pounds according to my e-mail updates. I can't believe I have 6 pounds of baby in my belly! He's actually been moving around more now than ever. I keep reading that the movements may slow down a bit since he is running out of room, but really not seeing that yet. He's been moving around most the day. And he constantly has hiccups. Poor kid has been cursed with the hiccups just like his big sis. Sydney gets the hiccups constantly.
I started packing my hospital bag tonight. Not that I think I am going into labor early, I mean the c-section is already scheduled a week before my due date and well-Sydney was two days late. BUT...this is just way too planned out, just the way I like it. I can totally see getting thrown for a loop because this will be way too easy. We'll see. I like to be ready anyway. Now if only I can remember all the things I need to bring with me... I know it's only been three years but I feel like I am new to this.
The little man is about 6 pounds according to my e-mail updates. I can't believe I have 6 pounds of baby in my belly! He's actually been moving around more now than ever. I keep reading that the movements may slow down a bit since he is running out of room, but really not seeing that yet. He's been moving around most the day. And he constantly has hiccups. Poor kid has been cursed with the hiccups just like his big sis. Sydney gets the hiccups constantly.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
34 weeks and crazy dreams
I am halfway through my 34th week. Yowza, it's going fast! Let's see, the baby weighs nearly 5 pounds and is about 18 inches long. Hard to believe he is that big in my belly. Sydney is kind enough to remind me that my belly is getting bigger and bigger and bigger...
I have had some crazy dreams. Quite honestly, I remember most of my dreams pretty vividly the next morning and I always have weird dreams. Maybe a tad bit stranger while being prego. I've had a couple about the baby. Then a few weeks ago I had a dream that I was Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City. I was me but as thin as Carrie (yes please) and Big bought me a dress. And then he wanted to make out in his towncar and that's when I realized I was prego and not thin like Carrie. I politely explained I was married and pregnant.
The other night I had a dream that Anthony had someone else on the side...a man. Yup. I told Anthony this dream and well-I think he thinks I am crazy. LOL. Poor guy. If you don't know Anthony, then you don't realize he is a guy's guy and this thought need not enter my mind ever again.
What I dream most about is Death Cab for Cutie. Yes, the band that features Chris Walla who I went to school with. I literally dream about them twice a week. Usually I am just chatting with Chris. A couple months ago my dream entailed Chris asking me to go on a motorcycle ride with him and his friends through California. I explained that I was married and pregnant and this was probably not a good idea.
The one I had two nights ago took place at an Albertsons, where Chris was working in the frozen food section. I was trying to convince him to play another show since they are coming to town the night before I am scheduled to give birth and I really want to see them live one day. Then I convinced him to let me hang out backstage at the next concert. And I worked on him and his band to play our next high school reunion...in five years.
So yeah, that's what is going on here. The heartburn is still a major pain, and I am still getting sick a couple times a week. I had a hot flash today which I haven't had since I was prego with Sydney. Thank goodness for the air conditioner we still have hooked up in our bedroom.
I have had some crazy dreams. Quite honestly, I remember most of my dreams pretty vividly the next morning and I always have weird dreams. Maybe a tad bit stranger while being prego. I've had a couple about the baby. Then a few weeks ago I had a dream that I was Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City. I was me but as thin as Carrie (yes please) and Big bought me a dress. And then he wanted to make out in his towncar and that's when I realized I was prego and not thin like Carrie. I politely explained I was married and pregnant.
The other night I had a dream that Anthony had someone else on the side...a man. Yup. I told Anthony this dream and well-I think he thinks I am crazy. LOL. Poor guy. If you don't know Anthony, then you don't realize he is a guy's guy and this thought need not enter my mind ever again.
What I dream most about is Death Cab for Cutie. Yes, the band that features Chris Walla who I went to school with. I literally dream about them twice a week. Usually I am just chatting with Chris. A couple months ago my dream entailed Chris asking me to go on a motorcycle ride with him and his friends through California. I explained that I was married and pregnant and this was probably not a good idea.
The one I had two nights ago took place at an Albertsons, where Chris was working in the frozen food section. I was trying to convince him to play another show since they are coming to town the night before I am scheduled to give birth and I really want to see them live one day. Then I convinced him to let me hang out backstage at the next concert. And I worked on him and his band to play our next high school reunion...in five years.
So yeah, that's what is going on here. The heartburn is still a major pain, and I am still getting sick a couple times a week. I had a hot flash today which I haven't had since I was prego with Sydney. Thank goodness for the air conditioner we still have hooked up in our bedroom.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Five and a half weeks...
Wow, I can't believe I have just 5 1/2 weeks left until the little man arrives! I am definitely feeling more prepared. Mam-o came up from California this weekend and worked on the baby room with me. Okay, actually with Anthony. I painted half the big stripe around the room, Beverly and Anthony did the rest. Nice work guys!
The room went from ballet and princesses to car and truck mania all in one day. It looks great! I'll take a picture when all the bedding arrives. We also organized all the little man's clothes by size so we actually have clothes in the drawers now. I have literally bought about five things, the rest have been some really great hand me downs from friends. Thanks girls!! All we need to do is put Sydney's old swing together, along with buy a new crib mattress since we moved the other one into Sydney's toddler bed. Okay, and a few more things too. I just let out a sigh of relief though, I was getting nervous that baby boy would be living in a pink room for a while. And that he'd have no clothes to wear.
I am officially 34 weeks prego this week too. Woo hoo! I can't believe December 10th is coming up so fast. I am so ready. Well, I think so anyway. Two kids just seems so much harder than one. I can take Sydney anywhere, managing a baby and a toddler-a whole new world.
The room went from ballet and princesses to car and truck mania all in one day. It looks great! I'll take a picture when all the bedding arrives. We also organized all the little man's clothes by size so we actually have clothes in the drawers now. I have literally bought about five things, the rest have been some really great hand me downs from friends. Thanks girls!! All we need to do is put Sydney's old swing together, along with buy a new crib mattress since we moved the other one into Sydney's toddler bed. Okay, and a few more things too. I just let out a sigh of relief though, I was getting nervous that baby boy would be living in a pink room for a while. And that he'd have no clothes to wear.
I am officially 34 weeks prego this week too. Woo hoo! I can't believe December 10th is coming up so fast. I am so ready. Well, I think so anyway. Two kids just seems so much harder than one. I can take Sydney anywhere, managing a baby and a toddler-a whole new world.
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